Regulations & Standards

Our eyes are very complex, yet we often take for granted that our vision will be perfect as we age. The reality is that undiagnosed visual problems may potentially put us and others in danger. Workers aged over 40 face increased safety risks as an age-related condition called presbyopia affects their eyesight.

Australian Work Health & Safety Regulations 2011 Summary (Excerpt)

It's an employer's duty to provide suitable protective clothing and equipment to employees.

"The person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) who directs the carrying out of work must provide the personal protective equipment to workers at the workplace, unless the personal protective equipment has been provided by another person conducting a business or undertaking".

This applies if personal protective equipment is to be used to minimise a risk to health and safety in relation to work at a workplace.

Penalties in not complying:

In the case of an individual $6,000

In the case of a body corporate $30,000

Penalties in the instance of death or serious injury:

In the case of an individual $300,000 to $600,000 or 5 years imprisonment or BOTH

View the full Australian Health Work and Safety Regulations Here.

New Zealand Health & Safety At Work Act 2015 Summary (Excerpt)

The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) requires PCBUs (persons conducting a business or undertaking) to take all reasonably practicable actions to eliminate or minimise risks to the health and safety of workers (and others that may be at risk from the work being done). This includes protecting people's eyes.

You, the PCBU must provide all necessary PPE (including eye protection) for your workers. You cannot pass the cost of providing eye protection to your workers, or make them provide their own. Workers may choose to provide their own but you must make sure it offers suitable protection.

You must engage with your workers before you make decisions or propose changes that may affect their health or safety. This includes consulting with them about what types of eye protection to provide.

The aforementioned requirements include the provision of prescription safety eyewear. In order to be compliant with these requirements, it is not enough to simply supply some protective shields and/or plastic lenses to staff. Protective prescription eyewear must comply with the AS/NZS 1337.6 standard.

PSG safety frames are manufactured to standards exceeding those of regular ophthalmic frames. Each frame model in the PSG range meets the Australian / New Zealand requirements of AS/NZS 1337.6 & AS/NZS 1337.1.

PSG is licensed to manufacture prescription safety eyewear under SAI Lic# SMKH21382.