Australian & New Zealand
Safety Standards

Our eyes are very complex, yet we often take for granted that our vision will be perfect as we age. The reality is that undiagnosed visual problems may potentially put us and others in danger. Workers aged over 40 face increased safety risks as an age-related condition called presbyopia affects their eyesight.

AS/NZS 1337.6:2012

Personal eye protection - Prescription eye protectors against low and medium impact

This Standard specifies minimum requirements for eye protectors fitted with prescription lenses intended to provide low or medium impact eye protection from flying particles and fragments in occupational situations.

It does not apply to eye protectors in which the prescription lenses are fitted behind plano protective lenses. These are covered by AS/NZS 1337.1.

Prescription eye protectors complying with this Standard are intended to give both impact protection and prescribed refractive correction of vision.

For protection from hazards other than low or medium impact, appropriate protection as recommended in AS/NZS 1336 should also be worn covering the prescription eyewear, e.g. dust, splashing materials, molten materials, harmful gases, vapours or aerosols, high energy flying particles or fragments.

These are covered in AS/NZS 1337.1. Requirements for protection from sources of optical radiation, other than the sun, are covered in AS/NZS 1338, Parts 1 to 3.

The Australian and New Zealand standard AS/NZS 1337.6 Prescription Eye Protection against low and medium impact specifies minimal requirement for the appliance to withstand the impact of a 6.35mm steel ball at a velocity of 40m/s.

AS/NZS 1337.1

Personal eye protection - Eye and face protectors for occupational applications

This Standard specifies minimum requirements for non-prescription eye and face protectors and associated oculars.

They are designed to provide protection for the eyes and faces of persons against common occupational hazards such as flying particles and fragments, dusts, splashing materials and molten metals, harmful gases, vapours and aerosols.

The aim of this Standard is to assist in the provision of safe, efficient and comfortable vision in the occupational situation, including consideration of the need for protection against sun glare and optical radiation in the natural environment.

The Standard does not apply to filter oculars for protection against optical radiations generated by industrial processes, which are dealt with in AS/NZS 1338.